Friday, September 27, 2024

The Journey Home by Radhanath Swami

 Many years ago, I had read the sequel but had not thought too much about reading the prequel after futile attempts of getting hold of it. Couple of weeks ago, was browsing through the online catalog of library, and came across this book finally. This book comprises of the author's arduous journey from US to India by land (mostly), and then his travels within India itself while he meets with so many accomplished yogis and gurus. Like the movie Forrest Gump where Tom Hanks meets most of US Presidents, the author of this book has met most of the Indian Gurus like Srila Prabhupada, JD Krishnamurthy, Neem Karoli Baba, etc.. Even celebrities like Mother Teresa. It is a fascinating read about his travels and travails, the way he meditated in caves and river banks, his near-death experiences, and the spiritual learning he gained from everyone he met. Definitely worth the read. May Hare Krishna bless you!